
担々麺 950円
五目あんかけ焼きそば 950円
えびのチリソース 950円
五目あんかけ焼きそば 950円
●所在地: 〒849-0922 佐賀県佐賀市高木瀬東4丁目3−8

ランチ時に佐賀市高木瀬付近を走行中~ふと思い出したかのようにオジャマしました。今回のランチはコチラ「中華そば たんたん」さん。担々麺と中華そばの名店♪以前は仕事の関係で頻繁に利用させて貰ってましたが、今回は5年ぶりの訪問。専用駐車場はお店前と右側スペースに確保されています。現地に12:30頃の到着で店内満席…店内待ち椅子もイッパイでした(^^ゞ待つこと20分頃で店内のカウンター席に着座!お店は店主さんと、ご年配の3名の男女スタッフさんで切り盛り。店主さんが細かな指示をして切り盛りしています。

This popular restaurant is run by a chef with authentic training in the tradition of Szechuan restaurants.
Popular items include Tantan-men, fried noodles with five-stringed sauce, Mabo-dofu, Tantan-men without soup, fried rice, and noodles in five-stringed soup.
|Example of menu
Tantanmen 950yen
Fried noodles with starchy sauce 950 yen
Shrimp with chili sauce 950 yen
Fried noodles with starchy sauce 950 yen
●Location: 4-3-8 Takagise Higashi, Saga City, Saga Prefecture 849-0922
●Business hours: 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
●Closed: Thursday and the first Wednesday of the month
●Phone number: tel:0952-34-2654 (reservations not accepted)
●Credit card payment: not accepted
●Electronic payment: not accepted

I was driving near Takagise, Saga City, at lunch time when I suddenly remembered that I was in the area. This time, I had lunch at “Chinese Soba Tantan”. I used to frequent this restaurant for business purposes, but this was my first visit in five years. The private parking lot is located in front of the restaurant and on the right side of the lot. When I arrived at the restaurant at around 12:30, the restaurant was full…and there were many chairs waiting inside! The restaurant is run by the owner and three elderly male and female staff members. The owner gives detailed instructions to the staff.


スペシャルバーガー(チーズ、ハム、たまご、パティ) 520円
エッグバーガー(たまご、パティ) 400円
チーズバーガー(チーズ、パティ) 400円
ハンバーガー(パティ) 340円
ポテト 350円
●所在地: 〒847-0022 佐賀県唐津市鏡4

佐賀県唐津市の「食べログ ハンバーガー 百名店 2021」です。 有名な「虹の松原」の中にあります。写真のとおり、キッチンカーで屋台形式。テイクアウトのみの販売です。設備的に限界があるので、屋台グルメ、B級グルメの範疇ですね。観光体験として楽しむ、シチュエーションを楽しむ、という方がメインとなるかと思います。実際、虹の松原の中を車で進んでいくのは楽しい。松原の中を徒歩で散策するもの幻想的で良いんじゃないでしょうか。(こういう幻想的な風景美が好きな人は、山口県萩市の原生林「笠山椿群生林」もお薦めです!)そんで、からつバーガーですが、頼むなら「スペシャルバーガー」を頼むべきです。ノーマルバーガーだと、弱さが目立ってしまう。(令和の時代に、ノーマルバーガーは300円台、スペシャルバーガーにしても500円台という良心的な価格設定なので、その売価だと仕方ないです。1000円以上するグルメバーガーと比較するのはナンセンスです。)

Karatsu Burger, which operates on a site facing Prefectural Route 347 that runs east-west through the pine forest, is a burger store that has become a Niji-no-Matsubara specialty.
Benches are available, so you can sit and enjoy your burger like a picnic with the pine forest in the background.
|Example of menu
Special burger (cheese, ham, egg, patty) 520 yen
Egg burger (egg, patty) 400 yen
Cheeseburger (cheese, patty) 400 yen
Hamburger (patty) 340 yen
Fries 350 yen
●Location: 4 Kagami, Karatsu, Saga 847-0022, Japan
●Business hours: 10:00 – 20:00
●Closed: Open all year round
●Telephone number: tel: 0955-56-7119 (reservations not accepted)
●Credit card payment: not accepted
●Electronic payment: not accepted

This is the “Eatery: Hundred Famous Hamburger Restaurant 2021” in Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture, Japan. It is located in the famous “Niji-no-Matsubara”. As shown in the photo, it is a kitchen car, stall style. Only take-out is available. Because of its limited facilities, it is in the category of a food stall gourmet or B-class gourmet. I think the main purpose is to enjoy it as a sightseeing experience, or to enjoy the situation. In fact, it is fun to drive through the rainbow pine grove. I think it is good to stroll on foot through the pine grove, too, because it is fantastic. (If you like this kind of fantastic scenic beauty, I also recommend the virgin forest “Kasayama Camellia Grove Forest” in Hagi, Yamaguchi Prefecture!) ) And as for the Karatsu Burger, if you order it, you should ask for the “Special Burger. If you order the normal burger, its weakness will be conspicuous. (In the age of 2025, the normal burger is priced at 300 yen, and the special burger is priced at 500 yen, which is a reasonable price.)
) If you add all the toppings, you can get a good amount of satisfaction and say, “I see! This is the Karatsu Burger! (This is the Karatsu Burger!)”!


蟹コース 5,900円~
川魚コース 5,900円~
鴨鍋・カニ鍋(二人前) 8,800円
ビール中瓶 770円
●所在地: 〒849-5102 佐賀県唐津市浜玉町五反田1058−2


Amegen is a long-established river fish restaurant dating back to the Edo period (1603-1868), with its establishment dating back to Tempo 9.
You can enjoy ayu (sweetfish) and tsugani (crabs) caught in clear streams with techniques that bring out the most flavorful and nourishing taste.
The river fish course is priced from 5,500 yen to 10,500 yen/person.
|Menu Example
Crab course 5,900 yen and up
River fish course 5,900 yen and up
Duck and crab hot pot (for two persons) 8,800 yen
Beer, medium bottle: 770 yen
●Location: 1058-2 Gotanda, Hamatama-cho, Karatsu, Saga 849-5102
●Business hours: 11:00 – 21:00
●Closed: Tuesdays (except national holidays)
●Phone number: tel:0955-56-6926 (reservations accepted)
●Credit card payment: Accepted (JCB, AMEX, Diners)
●E-money payment: not accepted

River fish and crabs. I had an impression that I was not fond of them and had avoided them. When I came to Karatsu and learned about this restaurant, I was hesitant at first, but when I read the description of the restaurant, I knew I had to try it.
The store was founded in 1838, the 9th year of the Tempo Era (Edo Period). The taste that has been passed down by the current fourth-generation owner can truly be called a part of the history of food culture. I strongly felt that it was time for me to pay attention to such things, taste them, and learn about the history of food.
It seems to be a popular restaurant, but I was able to get a reservation, so I visited there for dinner before the consecutive holidays in October. It was in a private room in a quiet Japanese house. It is not so luxurious, but it gives you a sense of history.
In the next room across the sliding door, a California university professor was constantly praising the food. For Americans who have little history of food culture, the cuisine here may be unique and infinitely mysterious. Or perhaps he is a connoisseur of Japanese cuisine?

おまかせコース 22,000円 (税込)
●所在地: 〒849-0922 佐賀県佐賀市高木瀬東4丁目3−8
●営業時間:lunch : 12:30~、dinner : 19:00~


Using beef raised by the chef himself, he pursues the aroma and taste of freshly prepared beef.
It is worth the trip to Imari City for the “unique taste” of the dishes, which are served in about four hours.
Omakase Course 22,000 yen (tax included)
Price may vary slightly depending on the ingredients of the day.
●Location: 4-3-8, Takagise Higashi, Saga-shi, Saga 849-0922
●Business hours: lunch : 12:30~, dinner : 19:00~
●Closed: No regular holidays
●Phone number: tel:0955-23-1110 (Reservations accepted)
●Reservation website: https://omakase.in/ja/r/iz455095
●Credit card payment: Accepted (JCB, AMEX, Diners, VISA, Master)
●E-money payment: not accepted

The restaurant is also a livestock business, raising its own cattle and serving them in its own restaurant. The course takes 5 hours. Italian restaurant katecuore in Imari, Saga Prefecture, has been a hot topic of conversation among foodies for some time and has become very popular. The restaurant’s courses, which use vegetables and fresh fish from Kyushu, are prepared without any special preparation in order to bring out the best of the ingredients, and the entire cooking process begins after the guests are seated. The course takes a little over three and a half hours to complete, but the fun of watching the cooking process from start to finish right in front of your eyes and the live atmosphere is something you definitely want to experience once! Everything is delicious and this is the No. 1 restaurant these days. Cate is the food and cuore is the heart. The name of the restaurant is a wonderful word that means “food for the soul! As the name of the restaurant suggests, Chef Minato and his wife’s personality and desire to please their customers are evident, making this my favorite place to eat!